
Want to report an infringement against private copying legislation, or a complaint about the application of legal provisions or about our operation?
Platform for reporting infringements and complaints
Anyone marketing goods subject to the private copying remuneration on Belgian territory without applying the private copying remuneration (= Auvibel remuneration) constitutes an infringement of the Code of Economic Law. Such infringements harm rights holders and encourage unfair competition on the market.
You can help stop these illegal practices!
You yourself can report, anonymously or not, traders, individuals, companies, fairs, online shops … who do not apply the remuneration. You can also email us if you have doubts and/or complaints about the application of the fee. Every case will be dealt with!
Or do you have a complaint about the application of legal provisions or about our operation?
Any information you send us will remain strictly confidential. In accordance with Article XI.281 of the Code of Economic Law, the staff members of the management company, as well as all other persons involved in the collection of the private copying remuneration, must maintain professional secrecy on all information of which they become aware through or as a result of the performance of their assignment.
All procedures for handling complaints and the rules on disputes can be found in Articles XI.273/1 and XI.273/12 of the Code of Economic Law.
Complaints relating to the operation of Auvibel may be submitted by post, e-mail ( or via the online portal.
The complaint must state your identity, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number and personal details or details regarding your company (such as its legal form, company number and VAT number) as well as (if applicable) the details of a contact person. The complaint should be addressed to the Managing Director. The complaint should also contain a precise description of its subject and the facts on which it is based and should also include all relevant documents. If you wish or if Auvibel deems it useful, you may also be heard. Within 5 working days of receiving the complaint by Auvibel, Auvibel will send a confirmation of receipt, specifying the period within which a response will be provided. Auvibel will normally reply within one month following the submission of the complaint. In exceptional cases, the response period may be extended by a maximum of one month. If applicable, Auvibel will indicate the reason for the extension of this period. Auvibel will reply to your complaint using the same means of communication that you used to file the complaint. If Auvibel rejects your complaint (or certain parts of it), the reasons for this will certainly be indicated.